Pješačenje zelenom Istrom - duža tura

Samovođeno pješačenje
Trajanje: 8 dana / 7 noći

Otkrijte lokalni način života Istre – kroz netaknutu prirodu prekrasnog sela Brtonigle, obiteljskh podruma, degustacijskih prostora pa sve do stare željeznice Parenzane. Posjetite svjetski centar tartufa Livade i iskoristite priliku iznenaditi svoje nepce ovom prekrasnom delicijom. POJEDINOSTI: Šetnja netaknutom prirodom, Posjetite Oprtalj, Hum, Buzet, Kušanje autohtonih delicija, Posjet parku prirode Učka

Na svakom koraku, untrašnjost Istre prepuna je bogatih vingrada, maslinika, mirnih rijeka i zelenih brežuljaka.

Zamislite šetnju zelenim krajolikom punim vinograda, maslina, rijeka i šuma, punim prekrasnih sela i srednjovjekovnih gradova smještenih na brežuljcima. Zaista zvuči kao san. Ovaj san se može ostvariti! Pridružite nam se u pješačkoj avanturi kroz zelenu Istru. Učite o prirodnim ljepotama koje će se stvarati pred vama na svakom koraku i sa svakim novim vijuganjem ceste. Upoznajte kulturu i baštinu Istre i posjetite pitoreskne gradiće na brežuljcima s nezaboravnim pogledima koji će vas ostaviti bez daha. 

Uživajte u hodanju i pješačenju!

Posjetite Hum, najmanji grad na svijetu i doživite duh prošlosti u Motovunu i Grožnjanu, gradu umjetnika. Kako biste upoznali ono najbolje od Istre, prošećite Parkom prirode Učka koji krije bogatstvo života i na kraju zaokružite ovu zelenu avanturu ukusnim okusima autohtonih istarskih delicija i vina.

Zelena Istra je skriveni dragulj za šetače i ljubitelje outdoora. Nudi savršen spoj prirodne ljepote, kulturnog bogatstva i kulinarskih užitaka, što ga čini idealnim odredištem za one koji vole istraživati ​​pješice. Bilo da lutate kroz šume s mirisom tartufa, divite se panoramskim pogledima iz gradića na brežuljcima ili ispijate čašu istarskog vina u vinogradu, ova će vam avantura šetnje ostaviti trajna sjećanja na jednu od najljepših hrvatskih regija.

Zavežite cipele, uzmite ruksak i krenite na nezaboravno putovanje zelenim srcem Istre — gdje svaki korak priča priču, a svaki put vodi do novog otkrića.


Self-guided Walking adventure through green Istria CLASSIC– 8 days/ 7 nights

Cijena od € 0 € 960
po osobi

Self-guided Walking adventure through green Istria PREMIUM– 8 days/ 7 nights

Cijena od € 0 € 1.230
po osobi


Trajanje: 8 dana / 7 noći


Ovdje možete pronaći staze i smještaj.


Cijena uključuje

  • orijentacijski sastanak s predstavnikom Fiorea
  • 2 x noćenja u Bujštini/Brtonigla
  • 2 x noćenja u Motovunu
  • 2 x noćenja u Buzetu
  • 1 x noćenje u Lovranu
  • 6 x doručak
  • informativni paket koji uključuje detaljan opis rute (karte i bilješke o ruti), bocu vode, oznake za prtljagu, bocu vode, vouchere za hotele 
  • korištenje Fiore APP - izvanmrežna navigacija s glasovnim navođenjem, informacijama o točkama interesa i preporukom restorana
  • prijevoz prtljage od hotela do hotela
  • lokalni transferi do početne točke tijekom hodanja

Nije uključeno u cijenu

  • putno osiguranje
  • dolazak i odlazak iz Istre
  • transfer od zračne luke do hotela i povratak
  • ručkove, večere i pića
  • Iznajmljivanje planinarskih štapova 10 EUR po paru za tjedan dana
  • GPS Garmin najam na 1 tjedan EUR 50,-
, 08.11.2024
'1. All the logistics and transfers worked well and quickly. 2. The walking was good through very quiet scenery. We met only 2 walkers during our trip; except on one Sunday morning when the whole town seemed to use part of our route for their Sunday morning exercise. 3. The hotels were excellent with comfortable rooms and good food. We were there at peak Truffle time and many restaurants had menus with truffles in every dish. 4. A special mention to Hotel Vela Vrata, Buzet, who sent a receptionist to collect us from Hum when the taxis turned out to be not available. 5. We had one very wet day – it was still a good walk though we got drenched. We note that very few if any hotels seemed to have good drying facilities. A row of hooks in the bedroom and bathroom would make a huge difference. 6. It was good to have the choice of a longer and shorter walk on some days – it gave us greater flexibility; if we had needed it. 7. River crossings on walk from Buzet to Hum. Following the rain the rivers were quite fast flowing and some crossings were 200-300mm deep. So wading across was required. Not a problem but perhaps worth being aware of. 8. The App was great. It was easy to navigate and somebody has spent a lot of time building the data for each route. There were however a few issues and comments that may help any future development - The app was great at providing (voice) directions and warning when slightly off course. - It was not however robust. It would lose the map or track or both, and the walk would need to be restarted from the top menu. This meant you had to keep an eye on it to check it was still running – it would fail maybe 10-15 times per day. On one occasion it crashed completely and I couldn’t get it to restart. I had to reboot the phone before I could restart the App and continue. This is on an Android Pixel 7a. - The App seemed to give distance covered in % rather than km. We didn’t find a way to combine the paper notes with the App – and arguably we didn’t need to given the app quality. If the App gave km as an alternative to % then this would become possible. I may have missed an option to do this somewhere. - The Time Remaining in the App was often stuck at 0:00 – not important. - I am not sure that the paper maps in the booklet are large enough to support navigation using them – nonetheless its good to have them. 9. If we were advising others we would suggest going slightly earlier in October for hopefully better weather. But it was very good to have the paths to ourselves. Our thanks go to all those who made our trip a success.'
Cheryl Talbert Group
, 26.11.2023
Fiore Tours organized all the details of a custom self-guided tour for a group of friends from a Seattle WA outdoor club to day hike and visit historic sites all along the length of Croatia. Their driver was excellent; the van and ferries and all the bookings were very good; and their office person Sasa did an incredible job ironing out the inevitable issues with a couple of the hotels. Dalibor (owner) took the time to drive to Motovun and meet with me in person to go over the entire itinerary and arrangements with me. I am so impressed with Fiore and would recommend them to others without hesitation.
Y. Yassemi
, 23.10.2023
Very well organized. Lovely hosts.

Ture koje bi vam se mogle svidjeti

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Volite biciklističke avanture? Ili ipak više volite planinariti? Niste sigurni kako spojiti svoju strast s nezaboravnim putovanjem? Fiore Tours tu je za vas! Recite nam što volite – spektakularne vidike, mirisne vinograde, osamljene staze ili kulturne bisere? Mi osiguravamo sve – od smještaja, transfera i vodiča do najboljih mjesta za opuštanje i uživanje u lokalnim specijalitetima.

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